Rock. Stone. Pebble

Rock. Stone. Pebble

by Ann Bernath

Adventure is for brave risk-takers, for those unsatisfied with the ordinary, the everyday, the routine, ones who seek excitement. I am not an adventurer. Besides, chances were slim to none that a pampered and privileged young woman from the Provinces like me would encounter Dusters on a short coach ride across the Wildlands.

But when my coach is waylaid by masked riders and my coach mate is abducted, my life-changing adventure in the Wildlands begins with not just one but two Dusters who call themselves Rock and Stone.

5.0 out of 5 stars
A romantic western? But is it?
This story moves along with good descriptions and action and leads to a fascinating discovery and overall mystery. Our heroine takes us on her life-changing journey and keeps us entertained. I like writing that makes you visualize the setting, the characters, and action, without getting bogged down in endless detail. Good read!!!
~Connie - Amazon Reviewer


author Ann Bernath

Southern California native Ann Bernath has been writing since the age of six. In March of 2023, two of her short stories were published in the TechLit anthology "Inner Space and Outer Thoughts: Speculative Fiction from Caltech and JPL Authors." She published her own book "Rock. Stone. Pebble." in December 2023. Ann writes genre fiction - westerns and sci-fi/fantasy in particular - and has both a prequel and a fantasy novel in progress with more stories on tap.