The Magic Unicorn Bedtime Stories for Kids
by Sarah Doll
Short fantasy stories for children and toddlers to help them to fall asleep and relax. Fantastic stories to dream about for all ages. Easy to read.
✓ Bedtime Stories for Kids.
✓ Short And Funny.
✓ Fantasy Stories for Children and Toddlers to Help Them Fall Asleep and Relax.
✓ Fantastic Stories to Dream about for All Ages.
✓ Easy to Read.
– Megan E.
Here is Some Content From the Book
The Unicorn and the Frog
There once was a magic unicorn named Brindle. She was a beautiful white unicorn with a special gold horn that sparkled in the light. Brindle was a very special little unicorn, just like all other unicorns are special. One thing that made Brindle extra special was that she was a magical unicorn!
Brindle loved to do the things that all other little unicorns did… jump and play in the sunlight… dance and sing in the rain… But more than anything else, Brindle was a curious little unicorn who liked to ask lots of questions; and more than anything else, Brindle loved making new friends.....
The Unicorn and the Lion
Brindle was a very special unicorn. She was bright white with a beautiful glowing gold horn. Brindle loved to make new friends and help people. Best of all, Brindle was a magical unicorn!
Brindle was out walking one day under the trees when she heard someone crying. She could feel the pain that they were in and it made her sad. She wanted to help make their pain go away!
So, Brindle went looking for the source of the crying to see what she could do to help. She came across a yellow cat that was very big and had a large mass of fur circled around its face.....
– Laura.