The Secrets of Spirit Energy

The Secrets of Spirit Energy

by Darius Knight

Book One of Two

Within the Spectrum are many worlds with their own story. Each one with it's own secrets waiting to be discovered.

There is a war brewing for the secret to becoming a limitless being.

Will the light prevail? Or will it just reveal the inner demons?

Some must rise and resurrect who they once were. While others will become who they are destined to be.

What will it take to uncover the secrets behind spiritual evolution? Do you think the answers are so simple?

Because if you do know or even if you find're just getting started.

Awesome book and a must-read!!! This is an awesome book that grabs you from the start. With every page you read, you are drawn in more and more as the story progresses. This book is full of action, mystery, and so much more. This book describes each character and every fight scene with great detail that you feel like you are there in person. ~Joshaune - Amazon 5-Star Review

About the Author

Darius Knight

Darius Knight lives in Valdosta, GA. He found his love for writing during high school. For most of his life before that, writing was only a hobby to either make his friends laugh or to create tales for others to escape to. His dreams and his love for anime and gaming are what fuels his imagination. He created Knight Vision Stories to have an outlet to express his creative side. Follow his journey through his writing because his story doesn’t end here.